Thursday, May 17, 2007


Okay, I'm still here and everything. We just made the trip to California. And besides that, I haven't liked anything I've wrote for FT. I'm trying but it's not working.

But I'm still trying...


Sunday, May 06, 2007

New Fic

Just now getting around to this, haven't had the time to make the post.

I posted a new one-shot, Raining on Sunday. It's my first M story... so I'm not sure if anyone will like it. It's a semi song fic. The song is by Keith Urban. Awesome song and awesome guy... I love him.

I haven't started the next chapter for FT... I don't know how to start the chapter off. It's annoying because I keep trying to write it but I have nothing *cries*.

That's all for now...
