Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Wow... last time I updated this was back in May. It's been forever.

Just Like You, (the sequel to Hollowed) is up. I'm beyond happy with it. Even though I'm probably going to go back shortly and edit it a bit.

But the same update for LW, is coming. I'm actually working on it now. I just wanted to post here and let the people who don't even read this know how it's going.

Maybe I'll have it up by the end of the month. That's what I'm aiming for, anyway.


Sunday, May 25, 2008

Little Wonders

I'm a bit late with updating it here but I finished revising Ch.1 of LW. It's up now and I want to thank my beta for doing such an amazing job with it, she's the best!

I'm currently working on the Hollowed sequel. Hopefully, I'll have it up soon.

And my LW update is... coming? I'm having some issues getting this one wrote but the moment I start wrting it again, it'll be up soon afterwards... well, after my beta takes care of it.

That's all for this post.


Thursday, March 13, 2008


I posted a one-shot I wrote a while ago. I actually wrote it for the 10th Rory/Tristan thread over at Fanforum, which, I'll link so you people reading this might go look at the pretty RT art and maips. It's really gorgeous and I'm glad I was a part of it =D Click here for RT

Now, the link for the story, just click on the title of the post and it should take you there. It's set in Tristan's POV and it's just about how he got to be where he is in his life and the trouble he had getting there. It's short and sweet. The song I use at the end, is really what wrote the fic... because if you listen to the song, or read the lyrics, it all responds to certain points in the fic. So the song wrote the fic, lol. But yeah, that's done and should hold over until I have a LW update, of some sort.

The revising of ch. 1 of LW is going. I've gotten half of it written and for the most part, it's a whole new chapter and longer then the original. Yay. Because after reading it, I cringed and couldn't believe I wrote that. But I'm thinking I'll just revise the first four chapters and leave the rest alone since I actually like it, lol.

But that's all for now


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Almost a year later...

Okay, okay... I know no one reads this but I need to do this for my sanity, lol.

I know, I know, I haven't updated in almost a year but I've been writing. I've even updated everything on my panel to the left of this =) Even re-did my whole profile and what I had down in that. Doing this kinda reminds be of a few weeks back when I wiped everything on my LJ except my post and re-did it all.

FT, now has a new title, more fitting, Little Wonders. It's a song that'll be in the last chapter of the story.

And I'm not writing much right now... I'm just revising the first chapter of LW right now. It took me forever to decide to do that because I was against the idea at first because I thought it was something that showed how poor my writing was at first and compared to my writing right now, how much it has improved. So this is a big step for me.

This is all I have for now, and I'm going to try to keep this updated, even if no one reads it, lol.


Thursday, May 17, 2007


Okay, I'm still here and everything. We just made the trip to California. And besides that, I haven't liked anything I've wrote for FT. I'm trying but it's not working.

But I'm still trying...


Sunday, May 06, 2007

New Fic

Just now getting around to this, haven't had the time to make the post.

I posted a new one-shot, Raining on Sunday. It's my first M story... so I'm not sure if anyone will like it. It's a semi song fic. The song is by Keith Urban. Awesome song and awesome guy... I love him.

I haven't started the next chapter for FT... I don't know how to start the chapter off. It's annoying because I keep trying to write it but I have nothing *cries*.

That's all for now...


Thursday, April 26, 2007


So, I've been real crap and posting over here. I'm working on that. I really am.

Okay, I've been posted ch.9 for FT. Which, is going to go on the back burner for the moment because I'm stuck and don't know how to start the next chapter and I'm not liking anything I write. Because, well, I won't post anything I don't like. If I read over and think something sounds stupid, I'll work on it until it's something I can read and be proud of. So, until I can start the chapter off and not hate what I write, it's on the back burner. Sorry.

I also posted a story I had saved and forgot about it. It's a two part. I have it finished. You can find it here:

And to add to that, I also posted a short one-shot. It's from Rory's POV after Jess' takes off for California. Which, was a little odd for me to write because all my stuff is Tristan/Rory. But it's good, I like it. If you feel like reading it, it's here:

I still have one more. I posted the story that was for the BAF challenge. Well, sadly, it didn't make the BAF cut because it didn't meet up to one of their rules. Which is fine. But it's up on FF if you feel like reading it.

Now, I have an announcement. I don't know when I'll be updating this, or my stories, again because sometime during May, we're leaving for California. We'll be staying until... August or September. It sucks. A lot! 'Cause I plan to get a job while I'm out there. I'm not sure if my mom will have laptop of her own by then, and if she doesn't she'll be using this one. But, I'm try and update as much as I can. I don't plan on abandoning my stories either. I will finish them.

So, that's all I have...
