Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Almost a year later...

Okay, okay... I know no one reads this but I need to do this for my sanity, lol.

I know, I know, I haven't updated in almost a year but I've been writing. I've even updated everything on my panel to the left of this =) Even re-did my whole profile and what I had down in that. Doing this kinda reminds be of a few weeks back when I wiped everything on my LJ except my post and re-did it all.

FT, now has a new title, more fitting, Little Wonders. It's a song that'll be in the last chapter of the story.

And I'm not writing much right now... I'm just revising the first chapter of LW right now. It took me forever to decide to do that because I was against the idea at first because I thought it was something that showed how poor my writing was at first and compared to my writing right now, how much it has improved. So this is a big step for me.

This is all I have for now, and I'm going to try to keep this updated, even if no one reads it, lol.


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